Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Windsor



Windsor, ON Wednesday March 19th, 2014 at 5:13 PM


https:/ / watch?v=MO8BVHuDtto& feature=youtube_gdata_player

Windsor, ON Wednesday March 19th, 2014 at 4:51 PM

Tim Hortons on Ottawa and Kildare

To the cool people in the Toyota Corolla who paid for my coffee at the Tim hortons drive through this moring,you've been spotted!

Made my day, thanks!


Windsor, ON Wednesday March 19th, 2014 at 4:35 PM

Bad parking

Sitting at my kids school waiting to go in and a guy parks in front of me, i made it a point to park before the walkway to let the kids in wheelchairs cross the street ok, and this guy parks in front of me and blocks the walk way so anyone crossing cant, were is the common sense and consideration?

Windsor, ON Wednesday March 19th, 2014 at 3:58 PM

Act of kindness

To the person who found my purse at Devonshire Malls food court and brought it to the lost and found desk yesterday evening, I wish I had been given the chance to sincerely thank you with all my heart. That purse contained every single piece of I.D I own (which I know is pretty dumb) as well as many other possessions of value, and I would have been totally and completely screwed had it not been returned. Your act of kindness truly saved me and reminded me that sometimes a small gesture like yours can mean the world to others. Thank you!

Windsor, ON Wednesday March 19th, 2014 at 1:41 PM

A Very Generous Stranger

Yesterday was quite a day. My girlfriend had mentioned that she wanted to go to the Toronto game in Detroit because we have never seen them play at Joe Louis. I wanted to surprise her so I waited until yesterday to find cheaper tickets that couldn't be sold. I looked on and found someone selling then for $75 a piece. I offered the lady $100 for the pair because money is a little tight and she informed me she would get back to me. I let her know that if she decided to sell them to us I wouldn't be able to pick them up between 4-5 because I tutor during that time. Turns out the lady was a retired teacher and she said that she would sell us the tickets in the end. When I got to her door she told me that she changed the price of the tickets to FREE and to go and have fun with my girlfriend. She went on to say she knows what it's like to be a beginning teacher and how hard it is. Refusing to take my money, just told me to pay it forward.
Amazing to see there are such generous people out there and I will definitely find a way to pay it forward.

Windsor, ON Wednesday March 19th, 2014 at 12:37 PM

wonder Tim hortons employee

The Tim's on the corner of Tecumseh e and Huron line, had an employee that is always so cheerful and pleasant. Today i mentioned i was buying myself a chocolate muffin because it had been a rough morning. She bought me the muffin and gave me some advice, along with get wonderful smile! she truly brightened my day and my client i work with this afternoon will be extra happy as i will be extra happy!

Windsor, ON Wednesday March 19th, 2014 at 10:42 AM

Lost Keys

Lost-set of keys (approximately 5 keys with a large beige car key with wooden inuit), lost in the sandwich area on St. Patricks Day. Please contact me if you have them or have seen them. Thanks!!

Windsor, ON Wednesday March 19th, 2014 at 9:48 AM

Great Optometrist

On Monday, I was having a contact lens problem with my eye and I frantically called Dr. Sean O'Neill's office hoping to get in that day. The receptionist was so kind and listened to my concerns and told me that I could come in any time that day and see a doctor. When I arrived, the office was busy with patients and the receptionist I spoke to calmly told me that my concern was legitimate and a doctor would see me. I was so thankful that she didn't minimize my concerns and shrug me off as a a patient making a big deal out of something so minimal. To the doctor who I saw, thank you for answering my questions and explaining everything to me. I have been seeing Dr. O'Neill since I was a child and I would greatly recommend anyone looking for an optometrist to book an appointment with Dr. O'Neill's office.

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