Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Windsor



Windsor, ON Sunday January 5th, 2014 at 5:36 PM

Spotted : Sat Jan 4 I was at walmart on the east end around 245 pm and has I was leaving the store to walk to the bus stop a woman and her young daughter came to help me to push the wheel chair I had through the snow to the bus stop. I didn't catch the woman's name but I would like to say thank you along with the family's daughter I care for would also like to thank this woman. It's very kind when people go out of their way to help the people that are confined to a wheel chair. I don't see it very much most people just walk by and could care less to help others. I hope this woman sees this post and I hope she knows how much her 10 min of her time was appreciated. Your daughter must be proud to have a mum like you

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