Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Windsor



Windsor, ON Monday December 16th, 2013 at 12:17 AM

I live in the downtown core and for the past few days we've seen a young lady that has been stopping cars and asking for money. (I mean literally standing in front of cars and stopping them) She has had many close calls and almost caused a few accident too that we have seen. I work in the medical field and am confident that she has some sort of mental condition. We've seen a lot of crap down here but I have never seen her down here before and am sure she doesn't belong on the streets. She doesn't appear to be someone looking for drugs or anything like that Anyways out of concern for her safety we called the police in hopes they could help her or at the very least get her off the streets. They told us that they have talked to her at least 4 times tonight and that it was her choice. Whatever that means???? When I told them she didn't seem mentally able they said they knew that and there wasn't much they could do, but would talk to her again if they saw her. Anyone have any suggestions on who we can call to get her some help?

Someone that won't sleep tonight and will feel horrible if something happens to this young lady.

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