Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Windsor



Windsor, ON Friday December 13th, 2013 at 4:35 PM

Spotted in Windsor: I work in nursing, and every afternoon, I take a client of mine to have an afternoon snack at Tecumseh Mall. He enjoys the surroundings as well as his Tim Hortons yogurt. While feeding him, a nice lady walked up, said Merry Christmas, and left a scratch ticket on our table. Just wanted to say that your small gift made my day and restored a little faith in the kindness of others. On a side note, that ticket did not win, but as I searched for a coin to scratch it, I realized I had a toonie. I used that toonie to buy an elderly gentleman a ticket, and one for myself, even though I rarely buy them. Well, that ticket won me $50! Thanks so much for making my day, and I admire that u also did that while with your children...great lesson of kindness and generousity.
A very grateful recipient

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