Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Windsor



Windsor, ON Wednesday December 11th, 2013 at 9:23 PM

SPOTTED : To my neighbor,

you do realize it's freezing cold outside? Would you want to be left outside in this cold? NO!!! I didn't think so bring your dog inside. Its so cold your dog was shivering, When I stuck my hand over the fence to pet him he rubbed his body on my arm. Probably trying to get some warmth around his body. He's an older dog, im sure the cold doesnt feel good on his bones. He was standing on 3 paws, probably because his paws were frozen from the little snow we had. he was so cold god knows how you left him out there for. When I go to work in the morning he's outside through out the day he's outside and at night when it's even colder he is outside I feel bad for your dog. While you sit in your house where it's warm your dog is outside all day all night cold. Just so you know the Windsor Essex Humane Society already knows about it

Sincerely, a dog lover who's looking out for your dog as well as her own.

Ps. I wish I could leave you outside with a little fur on your body, no shoes, no socks in the cold. You wouldnt last 5mins. Neither should your dog.

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