Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Windsor



Windsor, ON Tuesday March 4th, 2014 at 1:05 PM

The best Neighbours I could ask for.

Today I found out my neighbor has throat cancer. Secretly it devastated to me to hear this. Im giving him a shout out because he really does deserve it more than anyone. Bob, continues to do things for my family, like help my mom single mom pay for bills. Just today he paid to have my moms car fixed...for the third time. He continuously does random acts of kindness like taking our garbage, or shoveling AND salting our sidewalks. Bringing food over for us all the time, simply being there for our family for when we were at a time of loss. Bob, I just want you to know that the world needs more people like you. You have inspired me to do random acts of kindness, and I hope people have noticed your kindness the way I have. Even though you're sick, you still do these things for us which I can't explain how much my family appreciates. It sad to hear you guys are moving, and we could never ask for better neighbors. I hope you get better, I really do! no one deserves cancer, especially not you. The world needs you to inspire people more.

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