Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Windsor



Windsor, ON Tuesday March 4th, 2014 at 12:05 AM

I met an Angel today

Stupid me, I locked my keys in the car with the car running. Stood there dumb founded wondering WTH, why did this van let me do that, fully loaded & it couldn't stop me from doing this with a buzz or beep. Anyway this ANGEL offered to help me out, she drove me home to get my other keys & drove me back. She started talking about God, & how she has been blessed with a great life, & she helps out at the mission & use to feed the homeless at a downtown park until the city stopped her due to sanitary reasons, meanwhile the homeless eat out of dumpsters. She was not preaching to me she was just very thankful for everything in her life & Praised The Lord. All I could say was thankyou sooo much, she gave me a lump in my throat because of her kindness, I could barely talk. She wouldn't take any gas money, she continually refused, I said how about I give you this $20 & you do a good deed from the both of us. She liked that idea & than said, is it ok if I give you a hug, we hugged each other tight & I went on my way...Isn't that the craziest, nicest thing...I will never forget her, she was a God Send

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