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Windsor, ON Monday February 17th, 2014 at 1:25 PM

the amazing staff at the Pediatric ward at Met hospital

My son was very very ill with the flu this past week and he was admitted to the Pediatric ward at Met Hospital. My husband stayed with him while I stayed at home with our other three children. My son came home today ( very healthy looking ) and had some stories to share with me. He stated that his nurses took such good care of him and that they made him feel comfortable and not scared. He even got to make a little doll with a pretend iv and wrist band to show his friends at school . A wonderful magician visited him who made his day and gave him a car and tracks for his hot wheel.
To the amazing staff at the pediatric ward at met you have been spotted . For you wonderful bedside manner and you ability to see a young scared boy who was very sick and heal him ten times faster with your compassion. He didn't even want to come home :) . My husband said that all the nurses and doctors were excellent and very caring . You stand up to the motto of Met We Care . you sure do . My husband asked the Magician if he had a card and he stated that he purely volunteers his time and talents for the hospital and in no way wants to gain business outside the hospital. You sir are one fine act. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts . A very grateful family on family day

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