Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Windsor



Windsor, ON Friday February 14th, 2014 at 10:26 AM

Manning rd McDonalds Monster

To the oh so pleasant woman driving a red Ford truck at the Manning Rd. McDonalds-

We don't like asking you to wait for yor food, we don't want you to wait for your either. We are sorry you had to wait.
But your attitude and language was disgusting.

1) You're an adult. Don't act like a misbehaved child
2) You're a lady, if I can even call you that, have some class
3) You'd be appalled if anyone called you that, don't talk to anyone like that ever, especially having to wait 30 seconds.

To my beautiful co-staff sorry for having to deal with her- but we did have a good laugh about how mental she was. Thanks for not taking it to heart. Love you guys!

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