Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Windsor



Windsor, ON Thursday January 30th, 2014 at 10:20 PM

I was driving the expressway tonight jan30 eastbound at about 8:30 pm and was driving just before Jefferson in this horrible snow on the left side, and a very inconsiderate driver comes behind me tailgating and flashing his lights. I know that the left lane is meant for emergency and speeding but in this weather not so much. It's more of a danger for me to be in the right lane because in the conditions the roads were in, I can't move over and switch lanes in time for a car coming off the ramp because there is a thick amount of snow between the two lanes which one could very easily slip on. I understand I was going 60km but so was every car except you. You could have just switch lanes and cut me off, which you did after honking at me very rudely. But really? Be a safe driver, you were in a small car and could have caused yourself a huge accident at the speed you were driving. The roads were horrible and I was already nervous enough driving, you did not need to add that to anxiety of a 19 year old girl in a ford focus that can barely take a few snowflakes on the ground. So when you see cars in the left lane you don't have a right to intimidate them to move over because the right lane is more dangerous on nights like these on highways with entries and exits. Be safe guys, it's not worth rushing anywhere to end up in the ditch like a few cars tonight. Drive safe at least you know you'll get to your destination safely.

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