Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Windsor



Windsor, ON Tuesday June 4th, 2019 at 8:11 AM


My son was being loaded' into the wheelchair bus he takes to Riverside Highschool on the days he can make it there. He's in a wheelchair with cerebral palsy, non verbal but can hear perfectly. This morning he heard a woman having to wait for the bus as the stop sign was out. She yelled get a move on. Let me tell you something lady, you are so very lucky your legs and your voice work just fine. What I would do to trade your abilities with my sons so he wouldn't delay your ABILITY to drive and yell at us. How I would love to see him kick a ball in front of your car or yell back at you for being such a despicable human being. Thanks for making his week tougher. I doubt he will interfere with your drive the rest of the week as he will probably want to stay at home. Yes you, Silver Volkswagen Jetta on Isabelle Place.

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