Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Windsor



Windsor, ON Saturday May 19th, 2018 at 10:27 AM

He apologized & I was the fool

On Friday, May 18, my hubby and I were at the Tim Horton`s on Grand Marais near Dominion. If you have been there, it is a nightmare of a parking lot and drive thru. Two accesses to the drive thru plus cars must keep a route clear for the traffic from the Shoppers Drug Mart located in the same parking lot.

In short, we were cut off. A person took the opportunity to squeeze into line where we were trying to leave a path clear for traffic. When we pulled up next, his window was open and I asked if this was his first time at this particular Tim Horton`s as he just cut into line. He ignored me. I took a pic of the car fully intending to ``spot`` him when I got home.

When we pulled up to the window, the fellow had paid for our order and asked the server to please pass on his apologies. He realized what he did after the fact.

We honked and tried to wave out the window. We gave a thumbs up and a peace sign. If this gentleman sees the post, thank-you for our coffees and apology. I was having a lousy day and your thoughtful gesture turned it around. I hope you enjoy your holiday weekend.

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