Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Windsor



Windsor, ON Friday January 26th, 2018 at 7:12 PM

Customers shopping with little ones

I have seen this so many times and absolutely disgusted at this generation being raised. Often seeing the most disrespect while shopping with there kiddos. Just a reminder... if you are bringing your children out too shop please be mindful and watch them. I see it often however this evening I saw it and wanted to share. Workers are trying to clean their store while parents are shopping and letting them run around, destroying sections of the store. The workers asked them politely to stop running repeatedly and to put things back when they were done. The parents did not care what so ever and continued to wreck the store themselves. It's distasteful and just plain rude! Have some respect. Not to mention the fact that running through stores while other customers are trying to shop is quite annoying as well as those kids could end up hurt.

All in all if this isn't you please don't be offended however if this is your parenting style take as much offence as you want as long as you got the message !

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