Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Windsor



Windsor, ON Monday August 14th, 2017 at 4:51 PM

Careless driving on #3

To the lady driving the navy blue SUV around 3:50pm on the #3 today, you are an impatient, careless driver. Today I was headed to Windsor with my 2yr old son, when you decided to cut me off when trying to take the Manning Rd exit. But when you decided to cut in front of me from the other lane, you realized you were driving way to fast and slammed on your brakes. Which then caused me to slam on my brakes, to only miss you by inches. If it weren't for my quick reaction, there would have been an accident. I was the one laying down the horn, hopefully you realized in the instant you were in the wrong. You were in such a rush to get in front of me, why?? Just a news flash, the #3 is not a race track. A lot of people these days are in such of a rush, they don't realize what their actions can do. If you were driving in the right hand lane and waited literally 5 seconds, you would have made your exit without cutting someone off. I thank my lucky stars that my son and I were ok. And that no other driver was involved or injured.
Please know the rules of the road, always check your blind spot and most importantly, SLOW DOWN! There's no need to be in such a rush. The #3 is not a race track. Arriving late and alive is much better then not arriving at all!
You were spotted!

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