Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Windsor



Windsor, ON Sunday January 12th, 2014 at 6:46 AM

To the , I was going to say lady, but your behavior does not earn you that title. To the woman at Metro this morning, an employee I found out, you have been spotted. I wish I could say that I saw you doing something wonderful, but what I saw was down right despicable. I walked through the doors this morning to get some things for breakfast. I heard 2 womans' voices , one audibly louder then the other. I nearly kept walking, but as the voice got louder, so did my inner voice. I quickly realized that what I thought was just an energized conversation, was an attack. Verbal and emotional , but none the less harmful. I quickly approached the woman in hopes that calling attention to the bully would cause embarrassment. I was right. As I said, " you should be ashamed of yourself for speaking to another human being this way, let alone another woman." She walked off. I made sure that the other woman was ok. Told her how sorry I was that this had happened to her and we parted ways...In an instant I realized, they work here!! I called for the other woman and asked her if the bully was an employee here , to which she agreed and also stated that she was also and that she has to work with her. I asked for the bully's name and told her I would do my best to help her. I could see that she wasn't strong enough to assert herself to a manager when I suggested she speak to one. As I walked around the store I couldn't stop thinking about what I saw, what I heard. I felt bad for the near retiree that she was treated thus.

To the bully, do you feel good that you made her cry? That you have the ability to make someone feel so poorly that it brings them to tears ? If it makes you feel good then you really need to get some help. To the other employee, the one being bullied, thank you. thank you for remaining calm, not stooping to her level, for showing how a real woman, a real lady behaves herself. Remember, the best reflection of who you are , is who you are when you think no one is looking. You have the power to change a were given a voice, but will you use it ? I could have turned a blind eye, walked away,, let it happen, said it was none of my business. But when someone is being treated poorly, it's everyone's business. I was so struck by what I saw and heard, that even after putting my groceries in my car, I went back in the store to check on the employee and assure that she was ok...I found her crying as she stocked the fruit...I put my hand on her shoulder , told her that she was a wonderful person , that I was sorry that this happened to her and that in the large scheme of things, she needed to remember that the bully didn't matter. That in her inner most circle of people in her life, that the bully had no place. I gave her enough for coffee and told her to have a coffee on me later and to sit and tell herself that she matters and the bully doesn't. She probably didn't need my money, but at that moment, she needed my love, my compassion and my voice. Be a voice not an echo!

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