Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Windsor



Windsor, ON Sunday July 16th, 2017 at 10:44 PM

Turtle Crossings

In back to back events approximately, 45 minutes apart, several vehicles were stopped along Matchette Rd near Ojibway Park, including my own, for reasons not immediately apparent to me. But after making my way around the vehicles that had pulled off the road, on my way into and then later out of LaSalle on Wednesday morning, I witnessed two women who had independently stopped to assist turtles move off the busy street. At the time, drivers of the cars around me all seemed a little anxious to keep traffic flowing, but then they all seemed to settle down once they saw that we were being briefly delayed for noble cause. I wanted to thank these ladies for taking the time to give local wildlife some much needed attention, and let them know that their actions were noticed and appreciated.

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