Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Windsor



Windsor, ON Thursday January 9th, 2014 at 9:31 PM

After our latest snow storm I noticed a plea from a mom in Wheatley on a buy and sell group who was very concerned about having access in and out of her home because of the medical issues her son has, she was also concerned about her Disabled Sister in Harrow. I then took that plea and posted it to my status just in case it might help it get a little more attention and within minutes my status was tagged with the name Ron Thibert a complete stranger... With no hesitation Ron answered the plea! Ron had a large piece of machinery at this ladies house 6:30 the next morning digging her family out and then proceeded to her sisters house to dig her out! THANKS TO Ron Thibert and his kind heart the family was able to get meds needed and clear access to their homes! You have been spotted Ron Thibert!
I have posted a picture of one of the driveways Ron cleared out!

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