Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Windsor



Windsor, ON Thursday January 9th, 2014 at 1:11 PM

To the guy that held the guard rail up at the train track crossing at banwell and Tecumseh just past the shoppers on Wednesday January 8th around 11 am so that vehicles could go by, Thank you so much!!!! The guards went down but no train was coming so we were all stuck and couldn't turn around because of the median in the middle of the road and it all got backed up. I hope someone was nice enough to hold it up for you to get through and that you didn't get stuck there. I would have but I am too short so wouldn't of been able to lol. You've been spotted and I hope you see this message! Thank you so much again, I was running late for work but made it on time thanks to you. You rock!!!

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