Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Windsor



Windsor, ON Tuesday January 7th, 2014 at 2:51 PM

Spotted : I feel terrible for the people riding our bus system. I travelled south on Ouellette and into South Windsor.
At most of the stops along Ouellette onto Dougall there is no access from the sidewalks to the bus. Just mounds of snow. I saw more than once people catching the bus standing in the roadway.
At the bus stop on Dougall in front of Walmart going south an older gentleman got off the bus with his cane and walk along the road until he could get a cleaned area to the side walk.
I know that there is a bylaw in place that we all have to clean the sidewalks in front of our property but shouldn't the City be cleaning a safe opening in the snow so people can get from the sidewalk to the bus?

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