Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Windsor



Windsor, ON Wednesday February 5th, 2014 at 12:45 PM

Thanks to the person in the white ford edge who paid for my Tim's order this morning at walker & Ypres .

Windsor, ON Wednesday February 5th, 2014 at 12:37 PM

Spotted!! The best neighbor anyone could ask for. While she knows I'm home sick, she came over with home made chicken soup and delicious apple crisp and also shoveled my drive and sidewalk. Thanks Kel!! I've been blessed with the best neighbour !!

All Cities Wednesday February 5th, 2014 at 12:29 PM

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We have set it up so your story gets shared and you get an email to the link of your story. We have provided this as the option to post so that everything can be posted quicker. Should you have any questions please email

Team Spotted


Windsor, ON Wednesday February 5th, 2014 at 12:26 PM

I would like the thank the woman that stopped to help me dig me out of the snow bank that another car forced me into after 15 people drove by me a really nice woman stopped to help me after a few minutes a woman in a near by house saw us and came out to help us dig my car out after a number people driving by us and and just watching 3 woman. It means so much to me that these kind people helped me dig and push my car out!! After picking up my sister we were on our way back to my house and we saw someone else stuck so we stopped to help push him out. Pay it forward!!

Windsor, ON Wednesday February 5th, 2014 at 12:15 PM

I'm wondering if anyone has information about service dog training, and if it would ever require a dog being left outside in a caged area for days on end in this cold? There is a house in South Windsor with a fenced-in area in their front yard and a large black dog in it. He has a dog house but he's never in it, always laying by the gate to be let out or pacing around. During the "polar vortex" when it was 40 below, he was left outside. The owners recently put a sign up on the cage saying "Service dog in training, do not pet, under video surveillance". Just wondering if this could actually be true or if these people just don't want anyone bothering them about being cruel. It breaks my heart every time I go by and see him standing by the gate.

PS - I have contacted the humane society and not heard back from them.

Windsor, ON Wednesday February 5th, 2014 at 11:58 AM

To the garbage men working on George avenue (wednesday feb 5th 11:40am) your absolutely wonderful. I just happened to be walking by my window as they were pulling up to pickup my garbage. I watched him empty my garbage, put my lids back on and walk both my bins up to my sidewalk so they didn't fall over onto the road. I mean in this horrific weather you took the extra time to do that and it means so much to me! As I am 3 months pregnant and not feeling the best I have no words for your kindness. This totally just made my day. Sometimes the smallest things can brighten your day.

You sir have been spotted !
Hopefully you & your employer see this!

Windsor, ON Wednesday February 5th, 2014 at 11:45 AM

I just wanted to give a little recognition to my wonderful neighbours. September 23 2013 my husband fell 18 feet out of a tree and has been unable to walk since. With this being the worst winter I can remember for snow and cold. My wonderful neighbours have taken the time each and every snowfall and through bitter cold weather to come over and make sure our driveway was clear of all snow. So that we wouldn't be stranded and we are so great flu to them for taking the time out of their busy lives to help us out. If the world had more neighbours like that it would be a happier place :) You guys know who you are. But please know you've been spotted!

Windsor, ON Wednesday February 5th, 2014 at 11:22 AM

To all of the wonderful emergency personnel (police, ambulance, fire, tow truck operators, etc.) working through this weather, I salute you. The world needs more selfless, dedicated people like you!
To everyone braving the weather, please drive carefully and allow for extra time!
To everyone who actually shovels and salts the sidewalks and roads, thank you for caring for other people's safety, even though it's not your job!
You have all been spotted! :)

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