Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Windsor



Windsor, ON Saturday February 1st, 2014 at 11:59 AM

To the wonderful staff at Butterfield Limousine. You have no idea how happy you made my daughter. She was going in for a final chemo treatment, and she wanted more then anything to ride in a limousine. Of course we wanted to get this for her since she is only 9. When I called around I realized we couldn't afford the price of a limo just for one ride. When I called Butterfield to get a price, I was asked what it was for. I explained what my daughter wanted. The girl who does the bookings asked for my name and phone number and asked if she could call me back. I figured that was it. 10 mins later she called me back to get details for the day. I explained we couldn't really afford the price but thank you anyways. She insisted on what the plan was for the day so I told her. After 20 mins on the phone with her she explained they were just going to give my daughter the limo. "GIVE MY DAUGHTER A LIMO" just because they wanted to. They felt that a little girl as courageous as that should definitely get what she wanted and that money should never play a factor. So to the staff at Butterfield Limousine THANK YOU. You made the end of that chapter such a wonderful experience for her. Even though this was awhile ago I wanted them to know how great they are and I refer all of our friends to them!


Windsor, ON Saturday February 1st, 2014 at 11:32 AM

I would like to share an inspiring story with all of you.
About two weeks ago, on that night that was -40 temp outside, My husband was outside having a smoke before bed. He looked over at the car sitting in our driveway and saw someone inside. A man was taking a nap in the car. This man was homeless and was freezing. My husband being a pretty big man was very intimidating to the man in the car. The man pleaded with him not to beat him up or call the police, he pleaded that all he wanted to do was warm up a little before heading downtown to the homeless shelter. This man was wearing ratty old safety shoes, a leather coat, and jeans. All where soaking wet. If my husband had not come across him no doubt we would fund a frozen homeless man in our car in the morning. My husband then came over and told me what had happened and ask me to warn up some soup. He had invited this man into our house to warm up. The man was apprehensive about coming in, but he was reassured that no harm would come his way. My husband talked with this man while I made him some soup. He learned about this man life. He was a man who got caught up with drugs and had made some bad decisions in his life. He recalled the days of owning his own house and having a job. The homeless man was so surprised of our generosity.
I placed a large bowl of soup in the dinning room with a fresh hot coffee. The man was very delighted to have a warm meal. I quickly ran through my home and found some new thermal socks I just bought. My husband gave this man a brand new pair of winter boots that he received as a gift. And a warm hooded sweatshirt. I thought Jack the homeless man was going to cry. Jacks shoes were to small for his feet and he could not wear thick socks with them. He was so excited for the new boots. His feet could now stay dry and warm. I gathered up some fresh sandwiches and snacks to give him for his lunch the next day. We could not leave Jack out in the cold so my husband drove him to the Downtown mission. He gave Jack money that he had on hand. Even though my husband new the man was stealing things from the car he ignored that fact and pretended not to know. We did not judge him for that. What would we do in the same situation. I just thought that I would share this story so maybe more people would not be as scared of homeless people. They are people also! They are just at a bad part of there lives at the moment and sometimes the small things we can do to help them can make a big difference. So proud of my husband for being so kind hearted!

Windsor, ON Saturday February 1st, 2014 at 11:27 AM

Drive careful out there

Windsor, ON Saturday February 1st, 2014 at 11:01 AM

Today we decied to take our 2 young daughter to Whistling Kettle for breakfast. One we were all done I went to pay, an other woman was at the cash and she said "we are taking care of it so you can do somthing with your girls" I nearly cried. Thank so much!

Windsor, ON Saturday February 1st, 2014 at 9:58 AM

Hi, Our family has been victimized by a house fire and lost everything we owned, but eachother. We are a mixed family of five and in dire need of help. We are having a fundraising benefit on February 22nd 2014 at the Croation centre on Tecumseh rd East and in need of any door prize donations that we can raffle off at this benefit. If you or anyone you may know could be so generous to help us in our time of need that would be absolutely wonderful.
Thanks so much for your time.
Sara Michaud & Robert Langbridge

Windsor, ON Saturday February 1st, 2014 at 9:51 AM

To the woman at Naples that offered to pay for my pizza tonight because my debit card wasn't working..thank you very much, you really made my day with your kind offer. Its great to see that we still have good people in this world.

Windsor, ON Saturday February 1st, 2014 at 3:21 AM

To the good people at the Subway at Met Hospital - you're all so friendly everyday and it's been great since the place opened in November. One of you in particular is very nice, friendly, asking how my day is with a great big smile and I'm always to shy to really say much more than "good", but I enjoy the conversation. Keep up the good work!

Windsor, ON Friday January 31st, 2014 at 10:39 PM

I am sure there will be many others to agree. I am sick and tired of the parking lot booth attendant at the Tayfour Building who is constantly talking on his phone and just takes my money without ever acknowledging me or thanking me. His sign is partially burnt out and you cannot read the total due and yet he just expects me to hand over money without saying a word or interrupting his important conversation that lasts from 8am-5pm. You are just plain disrespectful and a disgrace to all professionals working in that building. If I were a doctor paying big bucks for space in that building I would be furious about the way he treated my patients. If he had any pride, he would realize that he was the first face that people see when entering the complex, and the last. Many of the people passing through are sick and in need of someone to uplift their spirits and all you do is bring them down. To all of those who are like myself and bring their children through and feel frustrated, please use him as an example to teach your children that they should never talk on the phone while at work and tell them that they should always look people in the eye and greet them.

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